Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Next meeting September 12th

So far it's been a lot of fun! Hope to see more of you out next Monday - I'll be sitting at a booth tonight at the Rec Centre to help promote the group!

Come out next week to join the discussion!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Next meeting

We meet next week Monday Aug 29 at British Isles! We had a good chat last Monday; hope to see even more people out next week! We'll talk about the articles posted last week, we didn't get around to it last time with all the meet and greet going on!


Monday, 22 August 2011

Aug 22nd Articles

Here are the articles we'll be discussing tonight! I'll print them off and bring copies; we will discuss next week too if we don't get to them. Tonight will focus on meet and greet mostly!

Hope to see you there!

When Will the Bubble Burst? Student Loan Debt Swells 511 Percent

Home Remedy

 Abercrombie & Fitch's Bigoted "Jersey Shore" Offer

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

First Meeting Set

Posters are up around town! First meeting will be this coming Monday August 22nd at 7:30 at British Isles.

As the first meeting it will be a meet and greet; I'll bring a few small articles to talk about and things to read for the coming week!

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Chestermere Chatterbox

Sitting around one night with my husband I decided there wasn't a venue for me to get out, and just meet with locals that fit with my busy schedule as a new mom.

So I decided to start the Chestermere Chatterbox. This women only group will meet weekly on Monday nights at 7:30 pm. The intent of the group will be to get together, grab a coffee/tea, maybe a bite to eat and just talk.

Each week I'll bring a handful of articles to start the discussion. I'll try to keep the conversations light yet thought-provoking and interesting (avoiding religion/politics and other controversial topics).

Articles will be posted here (in case you miss a meeting and still want to come). Every week I'll print out some copies of the articles for people to take home and read. Then each week we'll get together and just talk/discuss.

I'm hoping this will be a great way to get to know my community and hopefully learn some fun things along the way!

Looking forward to chatting with you!
